searchcheetah user guide
What is

SearchCheetah is a Reddit search engine. The search engine can also be narrowed by category or you may search across all categories.
Not enough results?

You may have used too many search variables or searched too small of a region. If you are looking for more results, try searching all categories and expand your search radius by selecting more regions.
Too many results?

Your search may be too broad. If you are looking to narrow down your search results, try using a keyword, selecting a category or reducing your search area by selecting less regions.
Do I need to enter a keyword?

No, the keyword is optional. If you don't use a keyword, the search results will show all listings for your selected category and search regions.
How can I browse an area?

You can easily browse an area by selecting the regions you want while leaving the keyword field blank.
Do you have an app?

No, but is mobile friendly when accessed from any mobile device.
How can I search only the titles of a listing?

You can search only the titles by placing intitle: before your keyword. Please keep in mind that this will narrow your search and may result in limited search results.
format: intitle:KEYWORD
example search query: intitle:honda
How can I search for a specific price range?

A specific price range can be searched using the format $PRICE..$PRICE. Using the price range feature may exclude numerous listing. If the number of search results is low try again without Price Range or other advanced search operators.
format: $PRICE..$PRICE
example search query: Honda $2000..$4000:
Additional Search Operators:
FORMAT: query OR query
EXAMPLE USE: "Honda Accord" OR "Honda Civic"
RESULTS: The example use will result is listings that contain either Honda Accord OR Honda Civic.
FORMAT: query AND query
EXAMPLE USE: "Honda Accord" AND "Sunroof"
RESULTS: The example use will only display listings that contain Honda Accord AND Sunroof.
FORMAT: query|query|query
EXAMPLE USE: "Honda Accord" 2001|2002|2003|2004
RESULTS: The | operator can be used instead of OR. The above example use will return listings of Honda Accord between the years of 2001 and 2004.
WARNING: Using advanced search operators may exclude numerous listing. If the number of search results is low try again without any search operators.
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